Logo spqr wreath


Fairness only occurs between equals, the strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must. (#1 Athenians to the citizens of Melos 416 BC)

"Hope" is an expensive commodity, purchased by the weak, who should be controlled by fear rather than loyalty. (#1);

It is better to be feared than loved. (#2 Machiavelli)

Success results from discipline and obedience guided by rigid objectives (discipline before comfort). (#3 Romans)

It is not hard to do the right thing; it's hard knowing what the right thing is… (#4 “The Confession” 1999);

Seek all things in moderation. (#5 Aristotle);

 “Ockham's Rasor”; The ends tend to justify the means. (#2)

Si vis pacem para bellum (If you want peace prepare for war). (#3);

No plan survives contact with the enemy. (#6 Von Moltke;

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome because failure is not an option. (#7 unofficial mantra of US Marines);

Power perceived is power achieved; it's taken not given. (#2)

An army without spies is like a man without eyes or ears. (#8 Sun Tzu); and it marches on its stomach. (#9 Napoleon)

The Metcalfe Principle: key to world domination. 


Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am). (#10 Descartes);

Even the most complex tasks can be divided until they are simple.

For most people, life is a tale of regret; Existence precedes essence. (#11 Sartre);

Live dangerously (#12 Nietzsche);

Fortune favors the bold. (#3)
That which does not kill me makes me stronger. (#12);

Yesterday was the only easy day. (#13 US Navy Seals)

We paint our own portrait and that's all there is. (#11)

Religion is the opiate of the masses. (#14 Marx)

That which cannot be pictured cannot be said because saying it means nothing. (#15 Wittgenstein);

Concepts which cannot be falsified cannot be proved true. (#16 Popper)

The “Categorical Imperative” (#17 Kant) for the herd and "Ubermensch" for the few. (#12)

Rich are those with cheap labor. (#1)